
In this page we will show some of the features included in X3 CMS and what you can get with no effort.

If you want go a bit more forward there are also suggestions for more.



To repeat what we done here in a fresh install you have to switch to ADVANCED EDITING

And then check the flag as shown below and register.

WARNING: after this step you have to put manually articles in all your pages!

Section with more columns

This page use the BASE template which can contains one or more sections full width.

We can set a background style or color for the whole section but we could also set a background style or color for each article.

A bit forward

If you know a bit of CSS you could add rules to the base.css file of the theme to add new styles.

If you don't like edit your CSS files no problem!

The default theme of X3 CMS uses as CSS framework TailwindCSS, is a powerful an rich framework with a lot of classes that you can use directly without modifying the base.css file.

How to style an articles with classes

You could also apply classes to an article without save them as style for the theme

Or use both: a style and other classes.
In this section we used the classes order-first sm:order-last to switch the last column at the top when the screen width will be too small.

At the top

This article will switch before the articles on the right if your screen will become too small.

Example of a jumbo section

Here we set the height of the section as fullheight

A contact form

A simple example with some validation rules

(You will see this only if status is not To be repaired)
(If you set status as to be repaired we accept only cash payments)