Welcome to X3 CMS

If you see this page your Content Management System X3 was correctly installed and configured.
To access to the control panel add /admin to the URL on the address bar.

Username: demouser
Password: Demo2023!



What to do now

Explore the Control Panel

The new control panel is even more clean and intuitive.
All works as usual: 

  • the PLUS in the top right to create new items
  • the PENCIL to edit
  • the LIGHTBULB to turn on or off an item (almost all if off will be not visible on the public site)
  • the BIN to delete

Delete is irreversible. If not sure turn off the light.

You as first user will be the superadmin, remember: with great power comes great responsibility.

New plugins

This new release of X3 comes with interesting new plugins:

  • x3banners to show a banner on top of some pages with a specified time window
  • x3form_builder to build form to put inside articles

Playing with these will make you discover the potential of X3 CMS

Graphic themes

Obtaining a pleasant, non-monotonous site without particular technical knowledge is the problem of those who rely on a CMS.

X3 offers two ways:

  • Simple Editing: one page -> one section (a box for articles) -> one article (with eventually a plugin like in this page)
  • Advanced Editing: one page  -> one or more sections -> one or more articles for each section

With the first is all on your hands: you have to compose the article with a pleasant typography and/or with images.

With the last you can set a collection of styles to use compose each article in your page with colors, background images, background colors, borders, rounded corners, padding and more.

More speed with cache

At the bottom of your fresh install you should see the Debug info about load time, database queries and included files.

Even a small web site need to be fast today: try enabling CACHE in the site settings.
You will see a double Debug info, the cached and the last.

CACHE cache page content if there is not NOT CACHEABLE contents like forms (to display form errors).

Do you need more? Then you have to enable query CACHE, set APC = true in the cms/config/config.php file

NOTE: to reset the CACHE after a change goes in Settings -> Site -> Eraser icon

Enable extra features

Some libraries are not included in X3 CMS so if you want send Emails or want the File manager integrated with the WYSIWYG editor you need them.
So do a Composer Install

NOTE: you should install Composer on your server

File Manager

X3CMS use TinyMCE as WYSIWYG editor for contents but the File Manager is not included.
Get the Api key for FLMNGR
visit https://flmngr.com/ and create a free account for the TinyMCE plugin. Configure the File Manager for your domain.
At the end when you will have your API key replace the default value in the /cms/config/config.php

NOTE: your API key could not work immediately. You should wait a bit.