Freedom of Layout

The X3 layout is customizable. You can choose a pre-existing theme or make your own.
Each theme can contain one or more templates, complex as you want: you can have predefined sections and add as many sections you want.
Each web site area can use a different theme and each page can use a different template.
A template is composed of an php file and at least one css files.
If you are not experienced with xHTML/HTML5 and CSS files you need a technician for this.
Easy to use
To add, edit or delete pages and menù items you must know at least a word processor (e.g.: Microsoft Wordpad is enough).
The X3 CMS provide a simple way to add features to your web site: the plugins.
After the ftp upload you can install a plugin and put it into a page. Some modules have got an administration section and some have got a configuration section.
The CMS comes with some useful plugins:
- X4search provides an internal search engine
- X4site map provides a simple area map
- X4flags provides a language switcher
- X4get_by_key is an aggregator for articles with the same key
- X3banner to show banners at the top of the pages NEW
- X3form_builder to build forms to put in articles NEW
- X4cookie to manage Cookie options for european websites NEW
Advanced tools
Some additional features embedded into X3:
- Groups and Users
X3 CMS supports an unlimited number of groups and users and lets you define permissions for each group for element types an thenfor each user on each element.
- Private and public areas
X3 CMS provides as default one public and one private area and you can add unlimited public and private areas where only enabled user can access with login.
- Multi language
With X3 CMS you can easily made a multi language web site. Each language have indipendent menù and contents.
- Simple or Advanced editing
With simple editing (the default option) you have one page -> one section -> one article. With advanced editing you can have one-page -> many sections of contents and each section can contains many articles.
Some comforts
- search engine friendly URLs
- different url, name, title, description and keywords for each page
- automatic sitemap.xml creation
- automatic breadcrumb
- unlimited menù
- temporarily off line mode
- WYSIWYG editor
- centralized file manager
- debug mode
- form validation
- caching mode (only 4 queries to load a page)
- database back up (done as Plugin)
counter (you can set a tracker like Google Analytics into the template)
- Partial caching with APCu (since 0.4.3 release)
In the config file you have to enable APC to cache most frequently executed queries.
RESTful ready (since release)
X3 CMS include Restler A RESTful API server framework.
Mongo DB support (to rewrite)
Image editing and video conversion (to rewrite)
Basic image editing with resizing and rotating of uploaded files and video conversion (to rewrite).
Automatic translations (no more available)